Over 90% open rate for Texts

Texts read in under 3 mins

20% open rate for email

Emails read in approx. 90 mins

Quick, effective SMS communications

Texts are a great way to ensure that your message gets through to the intended recipient and they are more likely to act upon it.

Top CRM Features

Easy To USE

  • Simple Setup Process

  • Send from computer, mobile or tablet

  • Import customer details easily

  • Delivery reporting

Cost Saving

  • Access to records anytime and anywhere

  • Data baced up

  • Higher quality commincation

Time Saving

  • All your records in one place

  • Sending to filtered lists

  • Easy to upload new data

  • Easy to maintain record on the go


  • Works with excel and csv

  • Works seamlesly with other crm systems

  • Multple user access

Text My Customer In Action

Text my customer can add benefit to businesses of all sizes, in all sectors. Some examples below...